Monday 4 November 2013

Post-university Blues

University is one of the most remarkable parts of many people's lives, a truly memorable journey that many young people partake in every year. 

However, nobody prepares you for the anti-climax that is post-university blues.
University always seemed like the next logical step for me after finishing school, in my mind it gave me three extra years to decide the ideal career path for me.

Unfortunately I became more confused as the years progressed, leading to me graduating with a degree I didn’t even want to follow up on. Don't get me wrong I don't regret going to university, I embraced the whole experience with open arms.

The transition of moving back from university was the most difficult thing I have had to deal with, it felt like i was taking one step forward and two steps back. I was now dependent on my parents once again, only this time I was also unemployed and struggling to find a job.

Nobody really prepared me for this stage of my life, so after some research I felt the need to spread my word and help others cope with the similar problems I've had

After becoming completely miserable living with my parents, I finally decided that I should be doing something that I want to do rather than doing nothing. I have always had a passion for travel, so I decided to look into studying event management in Canada.

Fingers crossed it works out!

So what would be my advice to future graduates?

The answer is simpler than you think!

If you want to take a gap year travelling then you should, there shouldn't be anything stopping you.
Just do what you want to do, don't just do what you think is expected of you because it seems logical. You are only young once, if anything now is the perfect time to make mistakes, so make all the mistakes you can and have fun doing so.

Follow me on Twitter for more @lauraanneash

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